So you may have noticed that I haven’t released a new video in a while, and you may be wondering what the heck is going on (??). Well, over the past few months, I’ve given myself some much needed good ol’ fashioned adventure time. I’ve done...
Feeling uncomfortable on-camera can kinda feel like going to the dentist; like a painful chore that you know is good for you. Yep, intellectually, you understand how videos can completely take your biz to the next level, but in your heart, you may be running for the...
Yes, I am a nerd. I have nerdy impulses, nerdy loves, nerdy passions. I love Star Wars (I own a lightsaber), I started off in maths and sciences, I have read and adored Stephen Hawking’s A Brief History of Time. (And yep, that’s me kissing an Oscar. Alas,...
5. In summer 2013, I saw a dream come true when I brought my critically acclaimed 5-woman stage play First Hand Woman to New York City, to rave reviews (The New York Times, what?)! I started writing this play in 2004, and it quickly became a passion project for me....