Click here to download your bonus gift of the Video Journey Checklist (video one from the visibility challenge is racing to your inbox).
~ Oh and while you’re here…
I’ve got the PERFECT companion to the 5-Day Visibility Challenge for ya…
You’ve signed up for the Visibility Challenge and that’s a GREAT start.
Imagine getting your hands on a tool that also helps you Kick Your Video Fears to the Curb…
Well, say hello to exactly that:
Getting past the FEAR of your CAMERA is an important step towards making videos that your dream clients love.
And this ebook walks you through my all-time fave fear busters!
It also includes exercises designed to get to the HEART of what’s holding you back on-camera.
Pretty cool right?
So while you’re going through the Visibility Challenge, you can do a deeper dive, and move even faster through your fear.
This is an INTERACTIVE experience, so be sure to share your ah-hahs with me in the secret Facebook group!

Valued at $37 USD, yours today for only $17.
Ready to gain some video confidence?
You probably watch videos and think:
It’s ALL about the outside. Your shape, size, voice, face, beauty, etc.
But actually, the key to making GREAT videos, starts from the inside and then works outward.
Shifting your mindset is the number ONE action you can take at this early stage of your video journey.
Wanna sneak peek?
Well… okay. But only because you asked. 🙂
This ebook is chock full of mindset tricks that prep you to make videos that truly connect with your dream clients.
If you’re suuuuper nervous when you just think about making videos, but know that video will Change. Your. Biz., then this puppy is exactly what you need.
Have a looksie for yourself.
Check out five pages from chapter one by CLICKING the image below:

Rave reviews
Don’t just take my word for what this ebook can do for YOU:
“Being reminded of my inner critic (and how to counter it) had the biggest impact, because I made and posted a video on the spot, even though I had a gazillion reasons not to.“
~ Andrea Cameron, fashionyourlife.ca
“The writing exercises helped me realize that I have a really negative view of my SELF. I was able to write a lot about the fear and when I got to #2 I hit a wall… until I started thinking about what my ideal client needed/wanted. So I realized, doing the exercise, that I have a block about seeing myself as a talented person with something to offer.”
~ Linda S.
“I like the fact that the steps are bite-sized and doable. Sometimes challenges and e-books have tasks that are overwhelming. I felt like I could complete each one of these.”
~ Carmen Isais
“You gave some valuable tips and encouragement, something we all need when learning something new. When I began reading it I was holding my breath and not at all comfortable with even reading about this subject. Your down to earth style eventually won my psyche over and I began to relax by the end of Chapter one.”
~ Johnnie Marie Urban
Okay VideoStar (in-the-making)…
It’s your time.
Are you ready to learn how to Kick Your Video Fears to the Curb?