Lights, Camera, Action!

A customized plan to start making ENGAGING videos that convert

You’re a big-dreaming entrepreneur and you wanna get in front of more people, spread your message and knowledge, and change more lives.

But… just thinking about making videos FREAKS. YOU. OUT!

You know how it goes:

You get in front of your camera.

Heart racing. Th-thump.

And you become:

  • Sweaty
  • Freaked out
  • Blurry-eyed
  • Mindless
  • Speechless
  • Tongue-tied
  • A deer in the headlights
  • And stressed out that you’ll say something totally stupid

You wipe the sweat from your brow.



Instead of making a video you’d MUCH rather do your taxes while standing on a stage naked!!!

You’ve gotta fix this pain now…

So you try to talk yourself out of pressing that dreaded “record” button and decide that You. Just. Can’t. Do. This.

And you:

  • Pick apart everything you do on camera
  • Get extremely CRITICAL of how you look or how you sound
  • Feel suuuuuuper SELF-CONSCIOUS in front of your camera
  • Become a nervous, small and awkward version of your personality
  • Worry that you won’t be pretty enough, smart enough, interesting enough or young enough (ugh!)
  • Think: “Who’d want to watch me?”
  • Believe that you’re just a FAILURE at video

Jumping out of an airplane without a parachute, sounds MUCH better than trying to make a video.

The truth is, you’re making video MUCH harder than it needs to be

So chew on this for a sec…

Making amazing videos is not a TALENT.


And it can be LEARNED.


Imagine making videos and feeling EXCITED about the process so it doesn’t feel like a chore. Igniting your audience so they feel ready to take ACTION.

Imagine feeling confident on camera so that you can express your unique genius to your dream clients. Letting your PERSONALITY shine through in a unique + impactful way so your dreamies know that You Are Their Person!

Imagine creating a GENUINE CONNECTION with your dream clients so they feel seen + heard.

You can create amazing videos.
You can shine through on camera.
You. Can. Do. This.

All You Need is the Right Guidance…

Well, guess what?

I’m a video coach who empowers big-dreaming entrepreneurs to stop HIDING from their camera AND start feeling CONFIDENT making videos!

I teach them how to make engaging videos in a fun + powerful way so that they can create more visibility, income and have a bigger impact with their work.


Oh and did I mention…

I’m also a real-life actor, film director, AND introvert. I’ve got YEARS of experience in front of AND behind the camera.

(And I know what it’s like, first hand, to feel completely terrified of the camera).


  • Clearly communicate your message with CONFIDENCE on camera so that you EXPAND your audience + ATTRACT your dream clients
  • Create SIMPLE, engaging videos that position you as THE GO-TO EXPERT so you can stand out from the crowd
  • Create videos that feel PROFESSIONAL + GENUINE in a way that your audience can already FEEL what it’s like to work with you before they click that “buy” button
  • Allow your TRUE PERSONALITY to shine through so that you’re putting your best (video) foot forward every time you hit that “record” button
  • Bust through your FEAR so you can build the life + biz you’ve been dreaming of for soooo long

Lights, Camera, Action includes:


Your Video Profile Questionnaire:

This questionnaire lets me know about your previous video experiences (good, bad AND ugly) so I can meet you exactly where you are. It also helps us get suuuuuper clear on what you’d like to achieve so we can make the most of our time together and ensure that you get the best results. It also gets you taking a video baby step.

Making amazing videos is all about taking it one baby step at a time. You’re saying a big ol’ yes to approaching your video journey the RIGHT way so that you feel EMPOWERED by the process.


Video Makeover:

In this 90-minute video coaching session (yep we’ll be on camera for this), we dive into the mindset, self-talk and filming approach that has been holding you back from feeling confident on camera and making videos that have a positive impact on your dream clients.

You get a customized strategy to approaching your videos in a way that feels fun and most importantly… ACHIEVABLE. When this session ends you actually feel EXCITED to film your next/first video! You feel like video is no longer your enemy; it’s now your ally in creating the biz + life of your dreams.

Imagine treating the session as a sumptuous buffet.

You can choose whatever video dish you want to improve…

Options your learning buffet includes are:

  • Improve your on-camera CONFIDENCE so you can stop hiding from your camera
  • Learn how to bust through your video fears so you can SHOW UP for your audience
  • Get a STEP-BY-STEP STRATEGY for making amazing videos
  • Learn doable technical solutions so your VIDEOS LOOK MORE PROFESSIONAL
  • … and more. What we dive into is up to YOU!

A friendly note: We won’t be able to cover ALL those issues in ONE session of Light, Camera, Action. So please keep that in mind when deciding what you want to focus on.


Your First Video Actions:

Within 1 hour after our coaching call, I’ll also send ya 3 customized actions to take that are suuuuuuper easy + fun and that start getting you on-camera RESULTS.


As you work through your customized actions, you send them my way so I can cheer you on and let you know what’s working. This is such an important part of the process for ya. It’s all about strengthening and reinforcing what you’re doing well. Even if it’s a tiny thing.

During this early phase of your video journey, I build you up, so that you can start to embrace your on-camera potential.


Exclusive Facebook Group:

You get a 1:1, exclusive Facebook group with me to post your homework, ask me additional Qs and get extra support for 2 weeks after your first session. This ensures that you Get. It. Done.


Your Video Sequel:

Like any good movie, we need a follow up. We hop on camera again to see how your video adventure is going. In this 30-minute session, we check in about how your mindset, self-talk and filming approach have shifted compared to the first session. We make sure this process is working for you and make changes as needed.

You’re feeling WAY more confident in your videos.


If you’re worried about getting it “right”, you can breathe a huuuuge sigh of relief.

I’m a firm believer that when you aren’t perfect, you’re MUCH MORE INTERESTING on camera.

With me as your guide, you learn how to embrace your imperfections and uncover your beautiful personality so that you can create RELATABLE, GENUINE and PROFESSIONAL videos.


Video isn’t a talent. It’s a skill.


Your investment: $197 USD

Got Qs about this training? Send me a line HERE.

Okie… it’s ACTION time!

Step 1: Click that pretty “Buy now” button below

Step 2: Next, make your payment and on that page, agree to the terms of working together

Step 3: You get an email from me that contains your Video Profile Questionnaire and a link to book your first session. Grab a time that works for you and then fill out your questionnaire and send it my way at least 2 days before we jam

Step 4: Your session booking email contains the Zoom link to our video-based call. Head there at the right time and we finally dive into your video + on camera goodies. Yayayayayayay!!!

Ready to stop HIDING from your camera and to START your video adventures?

(But of course you are).

Grab your spot before you lose your (video) nerve. I’ve got ya covered:

“I not only gained insights on better use of my equipment, I also got clear about my voice and my customer. I felt seen and heard and assured that my work has value!”

~ Kristin Fritz,

“Sarah isn’t just helping you with showing your authenticity on video, but she goes so much deeper than that.

There’s a genuine interest in connecting with you, understanding you, your message, your product and how to get that out into the world; the universe, and it ties so perfectly, because isn’t that what we’re all here to do?”

~ Velma Garnes

“I was on my journey, getting comfortable with just being on camera. I was self conscious, uncertain and scared to death to actually post something for the world to see.

Now, I am doing live videos regularly and people that know me have commented that I am so ‘me’ in my videos.

Sarah is brilliant with her ability to gently dig deep and help the true you emerge on camera.”

~ Shelly Isaacson,

“I thought ‘oh man, am I really the kind of person who can be on-camera?’

Sarah meets you right where you’re at, she sees the POTENTIAL in you and she makes you feel like ANYTHING is possible!

She is the Obi-Wan to your Luke or Leia.”

~ Susan O’Connor,

“I sat on the fence until the last minute as I wasn’t supposed to be spending money on courses! My confidence has improved markedly.

With each module I have completed I can see my confidence growing. It is a safe and encouraging environment to learn it. Sarah is very generous with her time and feedback.”

~ Sandra Reid, artist

“Sarah knows how to tease out all of the awkward bits, knows when to encourage, and how to gently push when we need it most (but don’t actually know it yet).

Of course you’ll also learn how to improve video production quality using all of the tips and tricks that only Sarah can teach. If you’re on the fence about signing up right now, stop hesitating. Just say yes!”

~ Cherice D.

We Got This!

Ready to start making videos your dream clients will LOVE?

(But of course you are.)