Does that statement sound familiar?

When I was younger, I loved filming family get togethers. Without fail, one of my aunts had her spidey sense go off every time that the camera was facing in her direction, and she would find a way to hide her face.

Many brilliant entrepreneurs have a hard time seeing themselves (or hearing themselves) in videos. We feel like our flaws are magnified, and we grimace with horror when our image comes up on the screen.

Very few people are immune to this form of self-critique.

And it’s no wonder. Most images that we see nowadays have been photoshopped like crazy.

Today’s vlog is all about getting you to tackle your own personal “I hate my _______ on-camera” statement (I know you’ve got one).

So sit back, click play and dive on in:

Oh, and one more quick thought~

By creating your own videos, you’re not only directly speaking to your customers’ deeper needs, you’re also essentially redefining the media (yay YOU!).

You get to say “Hi world! I’m alive and doing beautiful work”.

Yep, like no other time in history, your ability to be bold and to empower your clients through video is soooo achievable. You just need to bust through the initial growing pains.

Okay, I’m hopping off my lil soap box.   😉


Make sure you join the conversation.

Leave a comment below and tell me your thoughts.

Can’t wait to see what you have to say!!!

And as always…

Dream up,

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Sarah Michelle Brown
Your Virtual Video Director

Join the 5-Day Video Visibility Challenge!


Getting past the FEAR of your CAMERA is an important first step towards making videos your dream clients will LOVE.

And this 5-day challenge walks you through my all-time fave fear busters!

All while having FUN in a SAFE environment.

Pretty cool right? Fill in your info to get started:


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