5. In summer 2013, I saw a dream come true when I brought my critically acclaimed 5-woman stage play First Hand Woman to New York City, to rave reviews (The New York Times, what?)! I started writing this play in 2004, and it quickly became a passion project for me. Having such a long-term project is a great exercise in patience, hard work and perseverance. You can read up on this whirlwind adventure over at FirstHandWoman.com.



4. My favourite behind-the-camera gig.

Creating the concept for and directing an inspiring music video for Canadian hip hop artist Shad was dreamy. The song is called “Keep Shining”, and it is about uplifting women and girls. While Shad is a man, my concept put the lyrics in the hands of ladies of all ages, from different walks of life, coming to life during the song. I love Shad for his incredible humble nature (he makes a small appearance in the video). You can check the video out below:


oscar-videos-that-shine-sarah-michelle-brown3. I’m a COMPLETE Star Wars nerd.

Like super big nerd. I own a lightsaber, action figures… My cell phone sounds are all Star Wars based…

Chewbacca’s roar is my text message sound. Oh I could go on and on and on.

And this picture? Yes that is an Oscar from a friend of mine who won it for his astonishing work on the original Star Wars movie (oh yeah, I nerded out typing that last sentence).



nyc-videos-that-shine-sarah-michelle-brown2. I LOVE New York.

One of my favourite places in the world is Washington Square Park.

It is this magical place that is ALWAYS alive and moving and changing; filled with creative energy!

Every time I go to NYC I grab my notebook and my camera and I sit myself down by the fountain and take in the stories unfolding around me.


sarah lab video marketing1. I started off in biochemistry in university.

Yep, I originally listened to what my high school mentors were saying I should do with my life, and I was full steam ahead to become a scientist or a doctor.

Then I had the fortunate advice from my dad to let go of that path if it wasn’t making me happy (and it wasn’t). He said that I should find what I love. So began my journey into understanding that I had an artist’s soul.

Thanks Dad!!!

Join the 5-Day Video Visibility Challenge!


Getting past the FEAR of your CAMERA is an important first step towards making videos your dream clients will LOVE.

And this 5-day challenge walks you through my all-time fave fear busters!

All while having FUN in a SAFE environment.

Pretty cool right? Fill in your info to get started:


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