Believe it or not, your on-camera wardrobe can send all sorts of subliminal messages to your tribe.

Including, wow she looks like a stalker.

There’s a difference between what we see in person vs. what the camera sees (I dive right into this in the video).

In today’s video, I teach you all about how an audition to play “the girl next door”, led me to create what I call “The Stalker Test”.

Give it a look, and make sure that you project the right kind of energy (through your wardrobe) in your videos.

Then leave a comment below and let me know if you passed The Stalker Test.


Did you pass?

Make sure you do this test for your wardrobe well ahead of your shoots, so you know exactly what looks great on-camera and what doesn’t.

And as always…

Dream up.

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Sarah Michelle Brown
Your Virtual Video Director

Join the 5-Day Video Visibility Challenge!


Getting past the FEAR of your CAMERA is an important first step towards making videos your dream clients will LOVE.

And this 5-day challenge walks you through my all-time fave fear busters!

All while having FUN in a SAFE environment.

Pretty cool right? Fill in your info to get started:


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