I “like, like” editing so much, I’d send it love notes in class if I could.

I mean it. Lol.

Editing, to me, is the cat’s meow, the bees knees and your number one ally when it comes to putting fun and engaging content out there.

Oh, and a quick heads up that this video is rockin’ a low fi vibe today. I think it’s super important to put content out that isn’t as polished sometimes. This way you can show different sides of yourself and your lovely brand.  🙂

Check out the video below for my top 4 reasons why I’m totally crushing on editing. (and to see an embarrassing, ahem, interesting interpretational dance that helps you see why editing rocks):

Okay, my friend. Now it’s your turn to speak.

Continue this conversation going by leaving a comment below. Let me know if you’ve tried video editing before with a big ol’ “yes” or “no”.

I can’t wait to hear from ya!

And as always…

Dream up,

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Sarah Michelle Brown
Your Virtual Video Director

Join the 5-Day Video Visibility Challenge!


Getting past the FEAR of your CAMERA is an important first step towards making videos your dream clients will LOVE.

And this 5-day challenge walks you through my all-time fave fear busters!

All while having FUN in a SAFE environment.

Pretty cool right? Fill in your info to get started:


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