Welcome to the second video in the Express Yourself series for Entrepreneurs!

Today I’m thrilled to introduce you to Elena Lipson who believes that “taking time to care for yourself is NOT a guilty pleasure. It’s the KEY to thriving in life and business”.

Grab a snack and a drink and join us for a fun chat about how to use self-care as a tool for expressing your best you.

And… what does going on a date have to do with authenticity? Watch the video to find out.

From the convo: “To express yourself authentically is where magic and strategy meet.” Tweet it out!

Watched it? Great!

Join the conversation by leaving a comment below.
How will you answer Elena’s call to action (be sure to watch the video first).

If you want to check the awesome services that Elena mentioned, click on the links below:

21 Days of Radical Self-Care Rituals course (runs every few months)
3-month Group Coaching Program (launching March 2014)
Luxury Mastermind Retreat (email her and request info)

Thank you so much for stopping by! Take action and stayed tuned for the next video in the series.

You got this!

And as always…

Dream up,

Sarah Michelle Brown
Your Virtual Video Director

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