I’m soooo excited to share this inspiring video interview with you today!

I’ll freely admit that I’m a complete fangirl when it comes with today’s guest, Nikki Elledge Brown, “The Communication Stylist”.

She is a word nerd who has had an astonishing first year in business, helping entrepreneurs become the masters of their authentic voice via the written word.

She’s literally been changing businesses and lives with her amazing mind.

Authenticity goes a long way baby.”

(Tweet that)

In this video interview we dive into the importance of being YOU, the roadblocks to authenticity and the all important whys behind the desires and fears of putting yourself out there.

And let me tell you, we had a BLAST, and I hope you do too!

So grab a drink and a bite to eat and join us.

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Did you check out the video?  Don’t you love Nikki’s AMAZING homework assignment for you? Super great!

Here it is in a nutshell – (Watch the video), answer the following questions, then leave a comment telling us what you came up with:

  1. What is your unique value?
  2. Who needs it most?
  3. What’s your biggest struggle in communicating your value with them?

And if you watched the video, you know all about Nikki’s amazing “freemium” offering! You’re gonna love it! Here’s the link to get it:  www.ACourseAboutCopy.com

Fyi, I am not an affiliate in any way, just a massive nerdy fan of what she can do for your biz.  🙂

So make sure you answer Nikki’s fancy pants questions in the comments below. Can’t WAIT to see what you come up with!

And as always…

Dream up,

Sarah Michelle Brown
Your Virtual Video Director

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